Hong Pong
(Rich) Hong Kong is far too busy (for us). Singapore is very urbanised but high rise blocks are largely confined to the business district and there are plenty of public spaces. In Hong Kong central everyone seems to live in high rise flats, meaning the streets are always packed, ground level is full of food shops. In many places the hot and humid climate, food waste and pollution means it smells pretty bad.
That said there's loads to do there - particularly shopping (we bought more stuff there than the whole rest of the holiday.) Views from "The Mount" on Hong Kong Island are great, especially at 8pm every evening when the high rise business towers give a spectacular light show.
On day 2 we went to a Zoo cum theme park, which was the best of its kind I've ever seen. Rather than cramming as many animals into small cages as possible and having rubbish rides (a la Flamingo Land when I was a kid) there were only a small number of animal enclosures, each huge and each having some kind of conservation inituiative attached. Highlights were seeing Saw an Hammerhead sharks up close and the Giant Pandas.
That said Hong Kong wasn't our favourite place - 6 weeks is a long time to be away and I guess it was nice to feel ready to come home when we did. Which we are.
It's been the best holiday ever - thanks for sharing it with us.
You would have prefered Thailand. Hope to see you soon,
Thanks for allowing us to feel as though we were travelling with you. Great to have you back home safe and sound too!
Mum and Dad S
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